Thursday, February 21, 2013

Not Afraid! ? The Art of the Trailer


Cutting a trailer for your film can sometimes be a daunting task, especially for the short filmmaker.? Your short is already (or should be) a very tight and streamlined story.? How do you distill to it?s most essential elements that entice and beguile potential viewers in less than 2 minutes?

Stephen Garret of Jump Cut (formerly Kinetic) breaks down the guidelines and tropes of successful trailer cutting in his article First Impressions for Filmmaker Magazine.? As a filmmaker and editor it?s a great read, and for me pointed out reasons why you may not want to cut the trailer for your own film, especially if like me, you?re also your own editor.

I previously detailed my process in creating a trailer for The Specimen, but can?t help but wonder now, what someone else may have come up with for the film.

EDIT: I came across a new article posted today strangely enough in the New York Times that also uses Stephen Garrett as a source and visually maps out trailers from this years Oscar Contenders.? You definitely need to absorb this.?


What?s your process for cutting a trailer?? What do you think of Stephen Garrett?s advice?? Let me know in the comments.


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Bloomberg vs. NRA: Big spending could swing Illinois race

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's 'super PAC' is spending $2.1 million to defeat a pro-gun candidate in the race to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. It's part of his broader attack on NRA power.

By Mark Guarino,?Staff writer / February 19, 2013

Former Illinois state representative and Democratic congressional hopeful Robin Kelly speaks to the International Ministers & Community Alliance earlier this month in Chicago after receiving its endorsement to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. in Illinois' Second Congressional District.

M. Spencer Green/AP


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is sending a message to Democratic officials nationwide with upwardly mobile ambitions: Support the National Rifle Association at your peril.

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Through the "super political-action committee" he launched shortly before the November election, Mayor Bloomberg has purchased $2.1 million in political attack ads in the special vote to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who resigned in November. The primary target is Debbie Halvorson, a former member of Congress who once received an ?A? rating from the NRA and opposes President Obama?s push for an assault-weapons ban.

The ad buy points how gun-rights groups are trying to use new leverage to change Washington's political calculus on gun control. For years, the Democratic Party has embraced pro-gun candidates in an effort to expand its base. But recently, former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D) and her husband have sought to use the massacre in Newtown, Conn., as well as her own shooting, to reverse this trend.

Now, Bloomberg is using his own vast fortune to hit opponents where it hurts most: on the airwaves. It is a message that could resonate in Illinois' Second Congressional District, which is in Chicago, a city currently wracked by gun violence. And while there's no polling on the Democratic race, at least one prominent election watcher has said Bloomberg's ads could swing the contest.

?Gun control is Bloomberg?s longstanding cause, and part of the reason he can get involved in so many races is he?s got so much money. It?s his privilege to do it,? says Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. ?And there is one big difference between Halvorson and [challenger Robin] Kelly, and it is guns.?

One ad sponsored by Bloomberg's super PAC, Independence USA, says of Ms. Halvorson: ?When it comes to preventing gun violence, she gets an ?F.? ?

Halvorson accuses Bloomberg of trying to ?purchase? the election. ?We cannot allow Bloomberg to buy this district from New York,? she told reporters Monday.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Family Tree, An Illusion ? Spunky Gidget

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From the forums: Top HTC One discussions

Android Central

In case you missed it, HTC announced a new phone yesterday, and the Android Central forums have been busy with discussion about everything from the shiny all-metal body to the new "Ultrapixel" camera. Here's a quick breakdown of some the best threads so far --

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NCAA president making enforcement staff changes

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ? The NCAA's home-grown scandal is hitting hard at headquarters.

President Mark Emmert announced Monday that Julie Roe Lach, the vice president of enforcement, is leaving and will soon be replaced by private attorney Jonathan Duncan after her role in the botched investigation at the University of Miami. He even suggested the NCAA's board of directors and executive committee could hold him accountable for this mess, and it's not over yet.

After releasing a 55-page report detailing how the NCAA violated its own practices and policies by paying the attorney for convicted Ponzi schemer Nevin Shapiro thousands of dollars to help with the Miami case, Emmert spent more than an hour doing damage control on the latest black eye to hit the organization.

"I think the damage is, first of all, for those people who were already skeptical or cynics, this feeds into their cynicism," Emmert told The Associated Press after a conference call with other reporters. "For those of us who have great confidence in all the people around this building, it's painful to have to deal with an issue that fails to live up to our standards and expectations. I think that's the challenge for all of us that work here."

The report, written by attorney Kenneth L. Wainstein, details how now-former NCAA investigator Ameen Najjar appeared to manipulate the process by hiring Maria Elena Perez, Shapiro's attorney, to help the NCAA obtain information from a bankruptcy proceeding -- information that would have otherwise been unavailable. Shapiro has said that provided improper benefits to dozens of football and basketball players at Miami.

According to the report, Lach obtained clearance for paying Perez, but the NCAA's legal staff nixed the idea. Najjar then contacted Perez himself with what the report describes as a "way around" the road block.

The report said Najjar, who left the NCAA last spring, assured Lach and Tom Hosty, the managing director of enforcement, the legal staff had approved the deal when it had not. Najjar did not return phone messages left Monday evening.

The NCAA didn't figure out what happened, the report said, until Perez billed the NCAA $57,115 for billable hours in August. By that time, the NCAA had already paid out approximately $10,500 to Perez in expenses. It later agreed to pay Perez $18,000.

Wainstein called Lach cooperative and said nothing the external investigators found called her integrity into question. Lach did not immediately respond to a message left by The Associated Press on her cellphone.

"The actions we are taking today are clearly consistent with holding people accountable for their behavior," Emmert said. "If the executive committee believes some disciplinary action needs to be taken toward me, then I'm sure they will."

The incident has been an embarrassing blow to the NCAA, which is fending off a number of lawsuits and is the target of sharp criticism in some quarters for the penalties it handed to Penn State following the Jerrry Sandusky child sex-abuse scandal. And Wainstein will now embark on the second part of the investigation, which could include looking into previous NCAA infractions cases and suggesting ways to prevent another rogue case.

"I don't have any specific recommendations now," Wainstein said. "But as President Emmert said, I'm a former prosecutor and I've managed prosecutions and investigations for the better part of 20 years, so I'm going to suggest some ideas that I import from that context."

Emmert already has two new ideas.

He suggested putting together a committee to hear what amounts to a preliminary case before moving forward, and perhaps adding an ombudsman to the NCAA staff. Emmert later said he's not sure how that would work though he acknowledged an ombudsman would need some power.

There are more immediate concerns, too.

Lach is expected to leave March 1 and over the past 18 months has been closely involved with creating a new enforcement structure. The new multi-tiered penalty approach was approved in October, and the first part of the NCAA's revised rulebook was backed last month at the NCAA's annual convention.

A second part or rules changes is expected to come sometime after April's quarterly board of directors meeting.

Now, though, Emmert wants school leaders to provide more input about enforcement policies.

"We need to be able, at the same time, say OK as we're changing these rules, how do want them enforced? What approach to enforcement can we abide by?" he said.

That's where Duncan could help. He's a private attorney who has spent the last 15 years focused on sports law and education.

"We need to bring in expertise, like in the case of Ken, he's a prosecutor and has an approach that's very different to what we have in a voluntary association, but we need people with those various perspectives that can come to us," Emmert said. "That's one of the advantages of having John. John knows this world very, very well and will bring a very balanced perspective to the whole regulatory process."

How hard will these changes be at the NCAA's home office?

One of Emmert's first moves after taking office was promoting Lach in October 2010 from director of enforcement to vice president of enforcement, the first woman to hold the job. At the time, Lach promised to change the way the NCAA did business, offering more transparency about how investigations were handled. She delivered in part by setting up mock investigations for media members.

But she also presided over one of the most tumultuous times in NCAA history.

Lach was hired by the NCAA in 1998 as a student-athlete reinstatement representative after one year as an intern. She was named director of student-athlete reinstatement in 1999 and director of enforcement in 2004. She also spent nine years on the board of trustees at Millikin University, her alma mater.

Late last year, the Los Angeles Times reported that an NCAA investigator had been fired after her boyfriend had been overheard on a flight saying that the NCAA would never allow highly-touted recruit Shabazz Muhammad to play. Lach was on maternity leave when the investigator was reportedly fired.

And since last summer, two investigators have left, director of enforcement Bill Benjamin resigned and now Lach is on her way out, too.

"This is an outcome that nobody wants to see on their watch or anyone else's," Emmert said. "It's something that's an embarrassment to the association, it's something that's contrary to all the things we engage and all the things we espouse, so this is not a good situation at all."



NCAA report:


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Russian asteroid highlights astronomers' challenge: Predicting such space objects

Astronomers have cataloged about 95 percent of the space objects wider than half a mile?? those that could destroy civilization.?But they have found less than 1 percent of the objects 100 feet across or larger, a class that includes the asteroid that?flitted past Earth on Friday.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / February 16, 2013

Members of the Astronomical Association of Sabadell prepare to watch asteroid 2012 DA14 pass near Earth, in Sabadell near Barcelona, Spain February 15, 2013.

Gustau Nacarino/REUTERS


The unexpected appearance and explosion of a small asteroid over Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday highlights the challenges astronomers face as they try to get a better handle on the risk Earth faces from objects whose orbits bring them uncomfortably close to Earth, or even cross Earth's orbit.

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In their hunt to identify such near-Earth objects wider than half a mile across ? potential civilization busters if one were to strike Earth ? astronomers have cataloged about 95 percent of the objects in this size class during the past 15 years.

But they have found less than 1 percent of the objects 100 feet across or larger, a class that includes the asteroid 2012 DA14. This object flitted past Earth Friday afternoon Eastern Standard Time a scant 17,200 miles from Earth ? a record for a known object of its size.

RECOMMENDED:?Are you scientifically literate? Take our quiz

At 150 feet across, 2012 DA14 is comparable in size to the object that exploded over the Tunguska River in Siberia in 1908. The shock wave flattened 820 square miles of forest ? an area about the size of greater Tampa-St. Petersburg.

The asteroid over Russia's Chelyabinsk region Friday was smaller still, estimated to span about 50 feet and weigh about 7,000 metric tons before it exploded into fragments high above the ground. The shock wave shattered windows in three major cities in the region, damaged a zinc factory, and inflicted mostly minor injuries on more than 950 people.

Nobody saw the object coming.

It's enough to make some lawmakers wince. On Friday, Lamar Alexander (R) of Tennessee and chairman of the House Science Space, and Technology Committee, issued a statement regarding the two events which noted that the committee will hold hearings in the near future to explore ways to improve efforts to detect asteroids as well as to deal with any deemed a potential threat to the planet.

Given the size of the Chelyabinsk asteroid, astronomers estimate that an event like this occurs on average every 100 years. Yet smaller objects also can arrive with little or no warning, and explode in a loud, spectacular fashion, even with no damage on the ground. And they hit more frequently.

These surprise visitors are among the near-Earth objects that keep Kalait Ramesh awake at night.

"Historically, we've had relatively low population density. These things tended to happen in areas where nobody sees them or nobody remembers them," says Dr. Ramesh, a professor of mechanical engineering at the Johns Hopkins University whose studies of stress on various materials has led him to include asteroids in the mix of materials.

"But as our population's gone up, it's gotten to the point where these things can have a big impact. My biggest worry is that this will happen in a place where there is significant political instability or two countries on the verge of a war," he says.


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Sunday, February 17, 2013

"I now pronounce you men and wives..." A mass wedding in South Korea today. F...

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Historic Church Will Go to Make Way for CHO Extended Runway

A central Virginia landmark will soon be no more. The Pleasant Grove Baptist Church is coming down piece by piece. But even when it's gone, it won't be forgotten.

James Thomas was baptized at the church when he was 8 years old, and has been a member ever since.

"You didn't realize that it meant that much to the community until they started talking about taking it down," Thomas said.

The church was built in 1875 but now, one of the oldest African-American churches in central Virginia is becoming a skeleton.

"I guess we were in the way of progress," Thomas said. "Progress moves on,"

When the Charlottesville Albemarle Airport (CHO) extended the runway, the church fell into the runway protection zone.

"If an airplane fell short of the runway, there's no structures that would be in jeopardy," said William Pahuta, interim executive director of CHO.

As workers tore out the church's floorboards, they found the markers of the congregation's Sunday best.

"You get those spike heel shoes, they can do some damage in a wood floor," Thomas said. "A lot of the floors in there look like they had been stamped."

And just as the congregation left its mark on this building, the building is leaving behind a bit of its light. The original stained-glass windows were chiseled out of their frames and will be moved to the church's new home just down the road.

Thomas says the windows will help the congregation mix the old with the new.

"Nice to look back on the past but you can't dwell on it. We can look back on this as a great building stone," Thomas said.

He hopes the new building will serve them as well as the old one did. The congregation is already meeting on Sundays in their new home on Earlysville Road. Once they've finished saving certain pieces, the rest of the church will be demolished at the end of the month.


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Texas poised to double wind energy output


Bio | Email | Follow: @AKochergaBorder

Posted on February 15, 2013 at 10:23 PM

Updated yesterday at 10:41 PM

PECOS COUNTY -- Wind storms in West Texas sent tumbleweed speeding down the street. But it's the steady gusts that blow through Pecos County daily that are powering the future.

"We were approached and I was open to change and interested," said rancher Bill Fort.

Fort is among the Texans leasing some of their land to wind farm companies. His family has been ranching in this region since the 1880s.

"When our ancestors came out here they put up windmills using gin poles and horse teams. And wind was all they had to pump water. I thought it was kind of logical really," he said.

Giant wind turbines now dot the horizon in a region known for oil and gas. In Pecos County alone, there are six massive wind farms. The wind industry set a record last year with a capacity of more than 60,000 megawatts of power. Texas is by far the top producer.??

The big challenge: getting all the wind energy produced out here in far West Texas to the big cities that need the power. So the state is laying thousands of miles of transmission lines to get the job done.

Construction is supposed to be completed by the end of the year.

It can't happen soon enough for Doug May. May's the economic development director for Pecos County.?

The $6.8 billion the state is spending on new transmission lines will double the capacity to deliver wind power to Texas cities.

"Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, all the other metropolitan areas," May said.

That growth also allows rural towns in West Texas to escape the boom and bust cycle of oil and gas.? Wind farms have their own struggle. They need support from Congress to renew tax credits and that support, even in Texas, can blow with the wind.

"I'll tell you what if we can help you understand it ya'll come out here to west Texas and will give you a tour and we'll show you what we're doing," Fort said.

While many in Pecos County stake their futures on wind energy, some are looking ahead to another resource that's plentiful in West Texas.

"As that technology gets better, I think we'll see a big mix of solar and wind," May said.

Texas, an oil and gas state, is also transforming itself into a renewable energy powerhouse.



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Wis. GOP wants high court to take law challenges

By ASSOCIATED PRESS ??Friday, February 15, 2013 - 12:46 p.m.


MADISON, Wis. (AP) ? The president of the state Senate is trying to gather support for a bill that would require the Wisconsin Supreme Court to take any lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of state statutes directly and decide the matter within 150 days.

Sen. Michael Ellis, a Neenah Republican, sent an email to all legislators on Thursday asking for co-sponsors.

The bill comes after a multiple parties filed lawsuits challenging Republican Gov. Scott Walker?s contentious law stripping most public workers of nearly all their union rights and a GOP-authored law requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls.

Ellis writes in his email the bill would streamline the process.

A conservative four-justice majority currently controls the Supreme Court.


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Meteorite explodes over Russia, more than 1,000 injured

CHELYABINSK, Russia | Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:40pm EST

CHELYABINSK, Russia (Reuters) - A meteorite streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people.

People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt the shock wave, according to a Reuters correspondent in the industrial city 1,500 km (950 miles) east of Moscow.

The fireball, travelling at a speed of 30 km (19 miles) per second according to Russian space agency Roscosmos, had blazed across the horizon, leaving a long white trail that could be seen as far as 200 km (125 miles) away.

Car alarms went off, thousands of windows shattered and mobile phone networks were disrupted. The Interior Ministry said the meteorite explosion, a very rare spectacle, also unleashed a sonic boom.

"I was driving to work, it was quite dark, but it suddenly became as bright as if it were day," said Viktor Prokofiev, 36, a resident of Yekaterinburg in the Urals Mountains.

"I felt like I was blinded by headlights."

The meteorite, which weighed about 10 metric tons and may have been made of iron, entered Earth's atmosphere and broke apart 30-50 km (19-31 miles) above ground, according to Russia's Academy of Sciences.

The energy released when it entered the Earth's atmosphere was equivalent to a few kilotonnes, the academy said, the power of a small atomic weapon exploding.

No deaths were reported but the Emergencies Ministry said 20,000 rescue and clean-up workers were sent to the region after President Vladimir Putin told Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov to ease the disruption and help the victims.

The Interior Ministry said about 1,200 people had been injured, at least 200 of them children, and most from shards of glass.


The early-morning blast and ensuing shock wave blew out windows on Chelyabinsk's central Lenin Street, buckled some shop fronts, rattled apartment buildings in the city center and blew out windows.

"I was standing at a bus stop, seeing off my girlfriend," said Andrei, a local resident who did not give his second name. "Then there was a flash and I saw a trail of smoke across the sky and felt a shock wave that smashed windows."

A wall and roof were badly damaged at the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant but a spokeswoman said no environmental threat resulted.

One piece of meteorite broke through the ice the Cherbakul Lake near Chelyabinsk, leaving a hole several meters (yards) wide.

The region has long been a hub for the Russian military and defense industry, and it is often the site where artillery shells are decommissioned.

A local Emergencies Ministry official said meteorite storms were extremely rare and Friday's incident may have been connected with an asteroid the size of an Olympic swimming pool that was due to pass Earth.

But an astronomer at Russia's Academy of Sciences, Sergei Barabanov, cast doubt on that report and the European Space Agency said its experts had confirmed there was no link.

The regional governor in Chelyabinsk said the meteorite shower had caused more than $30 million in damage, and the Emergencies Ministry said 300 buildings had been affected.

Despite warnings not to approach any unidentified objects, some enterprising locals were hoping to cash in.

"Selling meteorite that fell on Chelyabinsk!" one prospective seller, Vladimir, said on a popular Russian auction website. He attached a picture of a black piece of stone that on Friday afternoon was priced at 1,488 roubles ($49.46).


The Emergencies Ministry described Friday's events as a "meteorite shower in the form of fireballs" and said background radiation levels were normal. It urged residents not to panic.

The first footage was shot by car dashboard video cameras and soon went viral.

Russians also quickly made fun at the event on the Internet. A photo montage showed Putin riding the meteorite and Nationalist politician Vladimir Zhirinovksy said in jest it was really a new weapon being tested by the United States.

Experts drew comparisons with an incident in 1908, when a meteorite is thought to have devastated an area of more than 2,000 sq km (1,250 miles) in Siberia, breaking windows as far as 200 km (125 miles) from the point of impact.

Simon Goodwin, an astrophysics expert from Britain's University of Sheffield, said that roughly 1,000 to 10,000 metric tons of material rained down from space towards the earth every day, but most burned up in the atmosphere.

"While events this big are rare, an impact that could cause damage and death could happen every century or so. Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop impacts."

The meteorite struck just as an asteroid known as 2012 DA14, about 46 m in diameter, was due to pass closer to Earth - at a distance of 27,520 km (17,100 miles) - than any other known object of its size since scientists began routinely monitoring asteroids about 15 years ago.

($1 = 30.0877 Russian roubles)

(Additional reporting by Gabriela Baczynska in Moscow; Writing by Timothy Heritage and Thomas Grove; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Michael Roddy)


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Braun stands by statement, focuses on baseball

(AP) ? Ryan Braun had already let it be known he was not taking any questions about his reported link to a Florida anti-aging clinic when he faced reporters outside the Milwaukee Brewers' spring training clubhouse on Friday.

Before anyone asked a question, the Brewers slugger repeated the restrictions he'd placed on his first spring meeting with the media.

"I understand why a lot of you guys are probably here but I made a statement last week," Braun said. "I stand behind that statement. I'm not going to address that issue any further. As I stated, I'm happy to cooperate fully into any investigation into this matter."

He did answer one drug-related question, regarding the recent announcement by Major League Baseball and the players union that players will be subject to in-season, unannounced testing for human growth hormone.

"I've always been supportive of the system," Braun said. "I've always been supportive of additional drug testing or whatever testing they have that's available."

Braun's name appears in records from the now-defunct Biogenesis of America LLC clinic that is alleged to have provided performance enhancing substances to several players, including Alex Rodriguez, Gio Gonzalez, Melky Cabrera, Bartolo Colon and Nelson Cruz. Braun was not named in the original report on the clinic in an article in Miami New Times. Braun's ties first were reported by Yahoo Sports.

The Miami New Times reportedly kept Braun's name out of its article because his name did not have a specific substance next to it in clinic records.

After his name surfaced, Braun issued a statement saying he had used the clinic's operator, Anthony Bosch, as a consultant during his appeal of his 2011 positive test.

After that NL MVP season, Braun tested positive during the playoffs for steroids but vehemently fought the case. Eventually, his 50-game suspension was overturned during spring training last year by an arbiter who found chain-of-custody issues in the handling of Braun's test sample.

Any distraction the issue may have caused didn't seem to bother the Brewers star. Quite the contrary.

In 2012, Braun led the league in home runs with 41, was second in RBIs with 112 and third in batting average at .319. Still, it wasn't enough for a second straight MVP award. He finished second in the voting to San Francisco's Buster Posey.

Although the award went elsewhere, perhaps with the drug issue playing a part in the vote, Braun acknowledged some personal satisfaction with his on-field response to the off-field issues.

"Certainly it was challenging, for sure, but the goal every year is to be productive," he said. "I've always said the challenge in this game is consistency and longevity so the goal is to be as good as possible every year. But certainly last year I dealt with some added challenges and adversity so it was rewarding for sure."

Braun, for whatever anyone might think of him, has an undeniable knack for not letting things outside of his game affect the way he plays it.

"It's something I take a lot of pride in," he said. "It's not easy. I've always said that in baseball you deal with a lot of adversity. In life you deal with a lot of adversity, and the goal is always to try to be the same person. I've always been extremely positive and optimistic and I never allow outside distractions or negativity to influence that."

He said he appreciates the support shown by his manager, Ron Roenicke.

"He was the same guy last year, but he didn't have a day that went by where what happened wasn't on his mind," Roenicke said earlier this week in an interview. "It was hard on him. It was hard on him but it shows what kind of player he is, what kind of person he is, to turn around and have that kind of season he had last year."

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Roenicke said he really didn't know enough to reach any conclusions about what the latest report out of Florida meant, if anything.

"I really do not know what's going on. I really don't know much about it," the manager said. "So I don't really have much to say. What I'm in defense about is when the media ? not just him, I'm talking about anything ? the media brings up names when there's not enough there to really warrant the name being brought up."

As for the coming season, Roenicke said Braun already has shown how he can perform regardless of what's going on around him or what he's dealt with away from the field.

"I knew how bad last year was for him as far as his offseason. It was on his mind, I'm sure, every day," Roenicke said, "and I know what happened even after the decision when we went to different ballparks. The thing that was impressive is the way he played last year. He was second in MVP, could have been MVP. So I think it says a lot about his character for one, but I think that he can overcome some things that mentally some other guys aren't able to do."


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Idaho budget writers adopt 2014 budget target

BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Budget writers adopted Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter's budget target, agreeing to a plan that foresees Idaho's state spending growing some 3 percent to $2.78 billion in 2014.

Rep. Maxine Bell, a Republican from Jerome and Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee's co-chair, will leave Idaho with a "structurally balanced budget" with enough money so that state government isn't left scrambling mid-year to find cash to pay for programs or agencies.

The plan sets aside $35 million into reserve funds, pays for increased state-employee benefit costs, and funds Otter's proposed personal property tax repeal.

It calls for Idaho spending $80 million more than last year.

Republican Sen. Dean Cameron of Rupert described the spending target as a "ceiling," pointing out lawmakers can always decide to spend less money, if they decide against some proposals.


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Finola Hughes has called the upcoming 50th anniversary of "General Hospital" a "really sweet" moment."I think the fact that we, at 'GH,' are doing so well right now, and to enter into our 50th anniversary on such a high, it feels really sweet," the actress, who plays Port Charles Police Chief Anna Devane, told Access Hollywood, when asked about the daytime drama's impending anniversary.


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Degree is required, but can a raise hinge on it? ? Business ...

Q. A job description says ?a bachelor?s degree or equivalent work experience? is required. An employee in that job has proven he can do everything the job description entails and then some. Is it legal to tell him the raise (within reason) cannot be justified to the board of directors be??cause he doesn?t have a college degree? ? Cyndi, Missouri

A. I understand you to be asking whether an employee who holds a position requiring a bachelor?s degree or ?equivalent work experience? can be penalized for not possessing a college degree, despite good performance.

The answer is yes. In fact, an employer can pay, or choose not to pay, based on a number of different qualification criteria. If other people in the same job classification are paid more, it might be that these individuals have additional skills or can be trained to perform more sophisticated work because of that degree. If not, then holding a degree might not be so relevant. It may also be that you have simply reached the top of the range for what the employer will pay for the position.

In general, unless requiring a degree appears to be an ex????cuse and that the employer pays women less than men, minorities less than whites, or otherwise discriminates against individuals in a protected class, it is unlikely that refusing to award a pay increase would be considered unlawful.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Losing hope of a good night's sleep is risk factor for suicide

Friday, February 15, 2013

When people lose hope that they will ever get another good night's sleep, they become at high risk for suicide, researchers report.

Insomnia and nightmares, which are often confused and may go hand-in-hand, are known risk factors for suicide but just how they contribute was unknown, said Dr. W. Vaughn McCall, Chair of the Medical College of Georgia Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior at Georgia Regents University.

The new study reaffirms that link and adds the element of hopelessness about sleep that is independent of other types of hopelessness, such as those regarding personal relationships and careers, said McCall, corresponding author of the study in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, the journal of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

"It turns out insomnia can lead to a very specific type of hopelessness and hopelessness by itself is a powerful predictor of suicide," he said. "It's fascinating because what it tells you is we have discovered a new predictor for suicidal thinking."

If the findings hold true in larger studies, they wave a red flag about suicide risk and point toward prevention that targets the negative thoughts with pharmaceuticals and psychological intervention.

The finding also is a reminder to physicians that depressed patients who report increased sleep problems should be asked if they are having suicidal thoughts, McCall said.

The scientists used psychometric testing to objectively assess the mental state of 50 depressed patients age 20-80 being treated as an inpatient, outpatient or in the Emergency Department. More than half had attempted suicide and most were taking an anti-depressant. Testing enabled the researchers to filter out other suicide risks such as depression itself and hone in on the relationship between insomnia and suicide risk, asking specific questions about dysfunctional beliefs about sleep such as: Do you think you will ever sleep again?

"It was this dysfunctional thinking, all these negative thoughts about sleep that was the mediating factor that explained why insomnia was linked to suicide," said McCall, who specializes in depression and sleep disorders.

He's seen insomnia patients spiral downward with increasingly negative and unrealistic thoughts about not sleeping, thinking, for example, that their immune system is being irrevocably damaged. McCall challenges such negatives from his patients and asks other doctors to consider doing the same: to disagree, strongly stating there is no scientific evidence for the thoughts but there is hope and help. "People have choices," he said.

Once insomnia has been diagnosed, some fairly rigid guidelines can help turn the exhausting and potentially deadly tide, including:

  • Wake up at the same time every day no matter when you go to bed
  • Not going to bed until you are sleepy
  • Eliminating caffeine, known to stay in your system up to 15 hours
  • Eliminating alcoholic beverages or tobacco products
  • Complete cardiovascular exercise at least four hours before bedtime
  • Allowing ample time to digest a meal before heading to bed.

The likelihood of being suicidal at least doubles with insomnia as a symptom, McCall noted.

"If you talk with depressed people, they really feel like they have failed at so many things. It goes something like, 'My marriage is a mess, I hate my job, I can't communicate with my kids, I can't even sleep.' There is a sense of failure and hopelessness that now runs from top to bottom and this is one more thing," McCall said.


Georgia Health Sciences University:

Thanks to Georgia Health Sciences University for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 36 time(s).


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A Church That Embraces a False Understanding of Human Sexuality Inevitably Embraces a False View of God

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

DashClock Is the Perfect Clock Widget for Your Android's Lock Screen

DashClock Is the Perfect Clock Widget for Your Android's Lock ScreenAndroid 4.2: The default clock widget that comes with Jelly Bean is great, but one of the Android design engineers has put together an even better one. DashClock keeps you informed of your most important stuff without getting in your way, all the while being slick, clean, and customizable.

DashClock looks somewhat similar to the default Jelly Bean clock, but you can choose between a few different looks for both the clock and the date. The coolest part of DashClock is the extensions, though: you can have it list your next alarm, the weather, your next calendar appointment, unread email messages, unread text messages, and missed calls right on your lock screen (if you want). They'll sit next to the clock as small icons, but will expand with more information when you drag down on the widget. It's also open to other developers, which means we could hopefully see extensions for other apps as well. Hit the link to give it a try.

DashClock | Google Play via Droid Life


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AP Sources: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

FILE - In this June 23, 2008 file photo, a US Airways jet takes off as an American Airlines jet is prepped for takeoff at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. The merger of US Airways and American Airlines has given birth to a mega airline with more passengers than any other in the world. (AP Photo/Matt York, File)

FILE - In this June 23, 2008 file photo, a US Airways jet takes off as an American Airlines jet is prepped for takeoff at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. The merger of US Airways and American Airlines has given birth to a mega airline with more passengers than any other in the world. (AP Photo/Matt York, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 7, 2013 file photo, a US Airways jet taxis past an American Airlines jet parked at the gate at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. The merger of US Airways and American Airlines has given birth to a mega airline with more passengers than any other in the world. (AP Photo/The Arizona Republic,Tom Tinkle, File) MARICOPA COUNTY OUT; MAGS OUT;

FILE - In this Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011, file photo, a plane flies over New Jersey with the full moon in the background, in Newark, N.J. The merger of US Airways and American Airlines has given birth to a mega airline with more passengers than any other in the world. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File)

(AP) ? American Airlines and US Airways agreed Wednesday to a merger that will create the world's biggest airline. The deal caps a turbulent period of bankruptcies and consolidation that leaves the U.S. airline industry dominated by four big carriers.

The boards of American parent AMR Corp. and US Airways approved the deal late Wednesday, according to four people close to the situation.

The carrier will keep the American Airlines name but will be run by US Airways CEO Doug Parker. American's CEO, Tom Horton, will serve as chairman of the new company until mid-2014, these people said. They requested anonymity because the merger negotiations were private.

The deal has been in the works since August, when creditors pushed for merger talks so they could decide which earned them a better return: a merger or Horton's plan for an independent airline. American has been restructuring under bankruptcy protection since late 2011. AMR creditors and possibly its shareholders will own 72 percent of the stock, and US Airways Group Inc. shareholders will get the rest, three of the people said.

A formal announcement is expected Thursday morning.

If the deal is approved by AMR's bankruptcy judge and antitrust regulators, the new American will have more than 900 planes, 3,200 daily flights and about 95,000 employees, not counting regional affiliates. It will be slightly bigger than United Airlines by passenger traffic.

Since 2008, Delta gobbled up Northwest, United absorbed Continental and Southwest bought AirTran Airways. If this latest merger goes through, American, United, Delta and Southwest will control about three-quarters of U.S. airline traffic.

The rapid consolidation has allowed the surviving airlines to offer bigger route networks that appeal to high-paying business travelers. And it has allowed them to limit the supply of seats, which helps prop up fares and airline profits.

Word of an American-US Airways merger raised new concern among passenger advocates. Charles Leocha of the Consumer Travel Alliance said that with just four big airlines instead of five, it will be easier to raise fares. "The benefits of this deal will go only to the corporations, not to consumers," he said.

But industry officials say there will still be plenty of competition. A recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that adjusting for inflation, domestic U.S. airfares fell 1 percent between 2004 and 2011, a period that included several airline mergers.

Travelers on American and US Airways won't notice immediate changes. It likely will be months before the frequent-flier programs are combined and years before the two airlines are fully integrated.

When that happens, American's presence will grow in key East Coast markets including New York's LaGuardia Airport and Washington's Reagan National Airport. The merger will add US Airways hubs in Charlotte, Philadelphia and Phoenix to American's in Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago, Miami, New York and Los Angeles.

US Airways will boost American's service to Europe and the Latin America-Caribbean market but wouldn't fix American's weakness on routes to Asia.

Just five years ago, American was the world's biggest airline. It boasted a history reaching back 80 years to the beginning of air travel. It had popularized the frequent-flier program and developed the modern system of pricing airline tickets to match demand.

But years of heavy losses drove AMR into bankruptcy protection. The company blamed bloated labor costs; its unions accused executives of mismanagement. AMR lost more than $12 billion between 2001 and 2010. It has lost another $2.8 billion since it filed for bankruptcy protection in November 2011 ? a period in which US Airways earned about $650 million.

The merger is an impressive achievement for Parker and his management team at US Airways, based in Tempe, Ariz. Just a few years ago, they were running a mid-sized carrier called America West Airlines when they bought the old US Airways out of bankruptcy.

US Airways is only half the size of American and is less familiar around the world, but he prevailed by driving a wedge between American's management and its union workers and by convincing American's creditors that a merger made business sense.

Despite its smaller size, US Airways has prospered in the last several years, earning a record profit of $637 million last year.

"They've done an absolutely terrific job with what they have," said Bill Swelbar, an airline-industry researcher at MIT and board member of Hawaiian Airlines' parent company.

Parker began pursuing a merger almost as soon as AMR filed for Chapter 11. He found willing partners in American's three labor unions, who have long fought with management at their own company over pay, work rules and executive bonuses. American suffered strikes by pilots and flight attendants in the 1990s. Bad feelings hardened in the early 2000s, when union workers took pay cuts to keep the company out of bankruptcy while AMR gave bonuses to management employees after the stock price rose.

AMR's Horton professed no interest in thinking about a merger until his company was out of bankruptcy court, but his creditors pressured him to reconsider. Some of them, along with Wall Street analysts, called for new management at AMR.

Bob Herbst, a financial analyst who studies airlines, said AMR has failed to adapt to changes in the industry since consolidation began in the middle of the last decade. He said AMR was fixated on gaining market share rather than on profitability.

American placed 14th out of 15 airlines in government rankings for on-time performance in 2012 (US Airways was fifth). Only United had a higher rate of complaints than American (but US Airways was barely better than American).

"They are continually at the bottom in on-time and customer service, and they're losing more money than anyone else," Herbst said. "American's management is leaving because that's what needs to happen."

AMR, however, has made measurable progress under Horton, who became CEO the day before the company filed for bankruptcy protection. The company earned operating profits in the second and third quarters of 2012, and its revenue for every seat flown one mile ? an arcane-sounding statistic but one that is closely watched in the airline business ? rose faster than at its rivals for much of the year. With leverage from bankruptcy laws, AMR won new union contracts with lower costs.

"I'm a big fan of Tom's; he's done a great job," said Mike Derchin, an analyst with CRT Capital Group. "He restructured the balance sheet, made the company more efficient and got a pilots' contract. He positioned the company for the future."

That performance may also have gotten a better deal for Horton's creditors. US Airways' initial proposal called for AMR creditors to get only 49 percent of the stock in the combined company, according to people familiar with the talks. Instead, they'll get 72 percent, although they might have to share some of that with shareholders, said the people familiar with the deal.

In recent weeks, AMR won bankruptcy court approval to buy hundreds of new planes from Boeing and Airbus, an important step to reduce fuel costs and offer a more comfortable experience for passengers. American even unveiled a new logo and paint job for its planes, although the reviews were mixed.


Follow David Koenig at

Associated Press


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How to Use Pinterest for Beginners

Did you know you can get a free organizing printable set just by subscribing to the blog via e-mail? Get the details here.


I recently realized that several of you aren?t on Pinterest yet, or you have signed up for an account but you?re not really sure what you?re doing yet. I?m here to help show you how to use Pinterest for beginners.

If you?re a more experienced Pinterest user, pay special attention to steps 6 and 7. You might find a couple useful trips and tricks as well, and feel free to leave your advice in the comments. You can follow me on Pinterest here (and leave a link to your Pinterest in the comments).

How to Use Pinterest for Beginners

I created a video to go along with the tutorial. They basically say the same thing, but I know some of you like to see in video rather than just read the words:

Decide if Pinterest is Right for You (Step 1)

First things first, if you?re a total newbie, you need to decide if you even want to use this Pinterest thing everybody keeps talking about. I?m willing to bet the last you need is some other social media thing to consume even more of your time. I?m right there with you. So, what?s the purpose of Pinterest? How can it help you?

There?s really three main ways to use Pinterest:

  • You can use it as your own virtual, super organized bulletin board to store recipes, craft ideas, home improvement ideas, and really any visual idea that you want to reference later. What do you do when you run across an online recipe you want to try? Pin it so you can come back to it later. What if you?re shopping for new desks for your office? Pin all the ones you like so you can look at them all together and come back to them later. I think you get the idea.
  • You can use it as a source to find new ideas. As a Pinterest user, you?ll be able to see what other people (the people you follow) pin. This can really help you discover things you never would have found on your own (my DIY magnetic bulletin board is one example). Also, you can search Pinterest to find ideas such as a cherry chocolate cake recipe or craft room ideas.
  • You can use it to share great content with your followers. Any of your followers get to see what you pin, so it?s a great way to share things you like.

Sign up for a Pinterest Account (Step 2)

This is pretty self-explanatory. Go to and click ?Join Pinterest.? You can join using your e-mail address, Facebook, or Twitter. (I do recommend linking to Facebook so you can find your friends easily. It will not just automatically post to your wall, unless you tell it to.) They will walk you through finding someone to follow, creating you first boards, and installing a button. I?m going through the rest of the tutorial pretending you have already done that.



Follow People with Similar Interests (Step 3)

Now that you have an account you?ll want to start following some people or boards. Following someone? just means that on your main Pinterest page you will see what they pin. The screen when you first login is showing you all the pins (in chronological order from most recent to oldest) of everyone you follow.

To start, I followed my personal friends from Facebook. In order to do that, hover over your name in the upper right hand corner and click on ?Find Friends.?


From there you can easily follow people from Facebook or Gmail. Also, when you?re reading blogs that you love look for the bloggers Pinterest button to follow them.

Create your Pin Boards (Step 4)

I?m going to show you how to create new boards, but keep in mind you can also do this on the fly as you are pinning things. Next week, I?m going to do an entire in depth post on how to organize your pin boards, which is super important. Think of your boards as an actual physical bulletin board, so you can keep all your pins organized by category. If you?re just starting out, just keep it really simple and broad. I would start with something like Dessert Recipes, Main Dish Recipes, Home Improvement, Fashion, and anything else you really love and know you?ll be pinning a lot of. To create a new board, just go to your name in the upper right, hover over it, and choose ?boards? from the drop down. Scroll down to the bottom and you?ll see this:


Just click on create a board ? pretty straightforward. You?ll notice at the bottom you have an option for up to 3 secret boards. You can have as many regular boards as you want (some people have tons), but only 3 secret ones. Secret boards mean that nobody can see them or your pins to them. They are for your eyes only. Anybody can see your regular your boards and your pins to them. It?s also a good time to mention that anybody can follow you, and you don?t have to give them permission to do so. (It?s not like Facebook.) Anything you pin on your regular boards is completely public.

Start Exploring your Main Page and Repinning (Step 5)

Alright, now the fun really begins! Now that you?re following some folks, you can start browsing what they have pinned. If you see something you like, you can ?repin? it. That means you pin that image to one of your own boards. Alternatively, you can simply ?like? a pin. I would caution you not to repin absolutely everything that catches your eye, or your boards will get out of control quickly. Think about what you?d really want to be able to find later or what you really want your followers to see. To repin, just hover your mouse over the image and the little buttons pop up on the image like this:


You see that you can either Repin, Like, or leave a comment. Click Repin and this comes up:


First, you need to choose what board to pin it to. It defaults to the last board you pinned something to (in my case, that?s dessert recipes). Click the arrow to the right of the title to change that. You?ll see a list of all your boards. Click on the want you want or scroll to the bottom, and create a new board right on the spot. (That?s a very handy feature.) Below the board selection is the description of the pin. This will default to whatever the previous person wrote in the description. It?s okay to leave it alone if it describes the pin well, but also feel free to leave your own notes there. It?s a good idea to have words there that really describe the pin. (That will greatly help improve searches.) You see the little ?Facebook? and ?Twitter? checkboxes. Check those if you want your pin to show up on your Facebook wall or to be tweeted. I do not recommend doing this regularly. I only use this feature when there?s a pin I really love. I don?t want all my Facebook friends to keep seeing a bunch of my pins in their newsfeed. Then click the red Pin It button, and you?re done. It takes you right back to where you left off!

If you click on the image it should take you to the website or blog where it was pinned from so you can get more information. Sometimes the links get broken, which is definitely annoying. What good is a picture of great recipe if you can?t get back to the recipe? It?s a wise idea to check to make sure the link works before you re-pin (although I admit to sometimes being lazy about this).

Add a Pin It Button to Your Browser (Step 6)

This is an amazing little tool, and something that some more experienced Pinterest users don?t even know about it. Experienced users, don?t go another day without this. Go to and scroll down just a bit and click on Install Now.


It will install that little button you see in the picture at the top of your browser. When your on a webpage just click that button to pin an image straight from the source. It?s super quick and easy. If you never pin anything new, all you see is recycled content on Pinterest, so try to remember to pin things around the web.

It?s important to note that there are a few bloggers and sites that don?t want their stuff pinned, but that?s definitely the minority. Most people LOVE to have their stuff pinned. It brings traffic back to their site and makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside that people loved their content enough to pin it. Most who don?t want you pin their content will have it disabled on their site. Also, it?s good etiquette not to rewrite an entire recipe in the description of the pin. You want to direct people back to the original site, not give them everything they need right on Pinterest. Plus, long descriptions are annoying.

Search for Pins or Boards (Step 7)

You can also use Pinterest as a search tool. There a search bar in the upper left corner. Just search for what you?re looking for. I sometimes search for recipes or organizing ideas.

For example, let?s say I want a chocolate cake recipe. I type chocolate cake in the search bar and click. It brings all the pins with ?chocolate cake? somewhere in the description.

However, let?s say I really, really love chocolate cake and I want more chocolate cake ideas to show up when I?m just browsing through Pinterest. In that case, I?d want to search for Chocolate cake boards and follow those boards. To do that just click on boards below the search bar (after the original search). Just click follow to follow the boards.


Also, I?ve noticed some things don?t lend themselves to being found easily by searching for a pin and are more likely to found by searching for specific boards. For example, I love online printables and planners. I find a lot more of these by searching for boards including ?Printables? in the title.

Don?t Be Afraid to Unfollow Boards (Step 8)

I regularly unfollow boards that don?t interest me. There?s nothing wrong with that. If you unfollow a board, you?ll still be following all the other boards by that person. Watch the video to see how to do that.

Alright, I hope I?ve inspired some of you to use Pinterest. If you?re a more advanced user, I hope you learned something as well, and stay tuned for next weeks about how to organize your pin boards.

You can see all my boards and follow me on Pinterest by clicking here. Leave a link to your Pinterest in the comments. Also tell us what you like to Pin and how long you?ve been using Pinterest.

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