Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Standard Digital News - Kenya : Civil society calls for audit of March ...

Updated 10 hrs 43 mins ago

By Ally Jamah

Nairobi, Kenya: Civil society leaders want a comprehensive audit of how the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) conducted the March 4 election.

They said Kenyans were still wondering why key systems failed and the audit would pinpoint how to avoid the same in future polls.

Leaders from the Constitution and Reform Education Consortium (Creco), a coalition of civil society organisations, said yesterday the glaring failure of the Electronic Voter Identification Devices and the Results Transmission Systems in majority of the polling stations needs to be thoroughly investigated and answers provided to Kenyans.

?The comprehensive audit of the entire electoral process needs to be done urgently and a report of the same shared widely with Kenyans. This will ensure that future elections are carried out in ways that are above reproach and does not end up in legal challenges,? said Creco?s Programme Coordinator Florence Opondo.

Probe needed

She said despite the Supreme Court ruling that the elections were conducted in a free and fair manner and that Kenyans should respect that ruling, more investigations were needed in anomalies noted in election results, including ten polling stations that were re-tallied, which missed Forms 34.

Executive Director of Rights Promotion and Protection Centre Odhiambo Oyoko said should the audit reveal willful wrongdoing on the part of IEBC officials, they should be prosecuted and brought to justice to prevent a repeat of the same in future.

?Kenyans invested billions of shillings in the technological systems of registering voters as well as transmission and tallying of results. The massive failure of those systems is totally unacceptable and thorough investigations are inevitable,? he said.

The IEBC has promised to conduct an audit of the entire process soon.

Creco has also asked the Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo and the National Security Advisory Committee to lift its ban on public rallies and assemblies, saying the constitutional rights of all Kenyans to freedom of assembly and expression need to be respected, upheld and promoted.

Source: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000080584&story_title=Politics:%20Civil%20society%20calls%20for%20audit%20of%20March%204%20polls

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